Wednesday, August 12, 2009

First Chapter

I am a huge book lover. I would love to spend everyday, all-day reading. If I find an author or series of books that I like I devour all the books in as short a time as possible. Then all I want to do is get other people to read those books so I can discuss them. Not everyone around me likes the books that I love so I created this blog. I can rant and rave about a particular book or series and no one can shut me up. Yay!

Hopefully, I can introduce you people on the world wide web to some fantastic books and receive some new suggestions for my own library.

I have a very wide range of book types that I enjoy but my top 3 genres are:

1.) Historical Fiction (ex. Diana Gabaldon)

2.) Horror (ex. Stephen King)

3.) Crime Mystery (ex. Patricia Cornwall or James Patterson)

I always mix it up when I read. I can read 3 historical fiction books in a row then a Stephen King book just to spice things up. More historical fiction then a book about serial killers.

I don't like fantasy books however. (ex. Harry Potter). I know, I know, I must be crazy. They are some of the most popular books out there. One of these days I will have to break down and read one just to see what all the fuss is about but it really doesn't interest me. Give me a book about a man in a kilt in the 1700s, though, and I'm hooked!

The bigger the book or the longer the series, the better for me. I never want my books to end. (If I do then it's a really bad book). That is one of the reasons I love the Outlander Series by Diana Gabaldon. Each book is a minimum of 1000 pages and so far there are 6 in the series.
The seventh is coming out next month. I'm excited. So excited in fact that I am currently re-reading the series in anticipation for the next one. I don't want to forget any details.

I know, I'm obsessed. But as obsessions go; there are a lot worst things to be obsessed about.

One morning when my husband caught me up reading at 6am he said with a disgusted look on his face,

"Babe, You're addicted to reading."

They say admitting it, is the first step, so:

Yes, I am addicted to reading.

So What!

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